Honestly Smartless
Chelsea Turano and Dr. Lindsay Regehr are just two dumb girls.
Each week they turn sh*tty into pretty, discussing pop culture, their issues, dating, and exposing their personal lives.
Honestly Smartless
Flirting, Fame, and Jimmy Carter
Chelsea and Dr. Lindsay have a pop culture catch up about Nikki Glaser, Kieran Culkin, Jimmy Carter, Jerry Springer, and all of the Kardashians. And now you can get birth control OTC??
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Honestly 1.9.25 (00:00.11)
Honestly smartless woohoo, and I'm dr. Lindsay and each week. We're just two dumb girls chatting away How's it going? It's whatever Okay, well let me bring you some joy, okay, we'll start with a cute cuddly critter. I'll raise
Oh, well, maybe I stole the ones that you were contributing Okay, so the first one we'll go with is Chloe the re-adopted dog
Honestly 1.9.25 (00:48.128)
Okay. So Nicole Grimes was reunited with her childhood dog, Chloe, nearly eight years after her family gave up the dog for adoption. Nicole's grandmother originally gifted Chloe to her when she was 10, but the family had to rehome the dog for four years, four years later due to lifestyle changes. Years later, Nicole adopted an older dog through Facebook only to discover that it was Chloe.
my god, that's amazing I Hope so I feel like Chloe was probably so pumped to see the dog or to see her human I hope so I hope so I feel like they don't forget she'd be like who's this bitch You give me away
Now I'm good enough for you? What? Right. huh. She be like, bitch, I had a globe when you were gone. What happened to your fugly face? I hope so. I feel like that is the best way to spend your years as a dog. I know. I have something similar, but different. Okay.
So this is my birthday month, fact, next week is my birthday. So this time of year, it just becomes very nostalgic. Number of things. I'm the year of the snake. I have a fun fact about snakes, but I'll say that later. OK. So what was the story? I was born. OK. This is where we're starting today.
Honestly 1.9.25 (02:54.866)
Oh Russian interesting name so Russian I'm in my bassinet and like or the carrier whatever and Russian got up close to smell me. Oh Okay
Honestly 1.9.25 (03:17.861)
Yeah, she thought the dog was gonna bite me so she gave the dog away the next day no No What? That ain't right
Honestly 1.9.25 (03:38.914)
But here's full circle. I was receiving a number of Whatsapps from my mom yesterday. You know, saying, this is your birthday. You know, this is birthday's coming up. Blah, blah. Jimmy Carter is president. OK, so she gets to the dog. She says, I gave the dog away. But I hope I meet Russian in heaven someday to apologize. I hope she does apologize.
But the fact that she thought to say that. I know. had thoughts like that. It's really a very happy story, actually. That is a happy story. The fact that she acknowledged the fact that she gave up her She's like, I love that for her. Don't you? I love that for her. I mean, we can't undo the fact that she made that choice, which was a bad one. She makes bad choices. She does. But the fact that she recognized, like, Maybe she should have waited until the dog actually bit you.
Honestly 1.9.25 (04:51.63)
Maybe Russian is up there with them. What's the other dogs name that you had baby? Yeah, they're living their best life up there
We're good. We're good. You guys stay there stay put we're No, you're not ready. Okay, speaking of like dying I had an interest of thought
My calf is so strained and it was so painful last night when I or this morning when I was moving around and Stretching in bed and my whole calf cramped up and then the pain went up to my hamstring and that I was like, oh my god There's a blood clot traveling to my brain right now and I'm gonna have an aneurysm just laying here I was like, is that okay? No Austin was there
Honestly 1.9.25 (06:09.333)
Yeah, I know I was like wow that'd be so wild if I just like died right now I'm like well, I'll watch you from up above. I'll see what you're You'd be thriving
Honestly 1.9.25 (06:29.275)
You go hook up with your neighbor. my god!
my God!
Honestly 1.9.25 (06:48.974)
I know you.
Honestly 1.9.25 (06:54.73)
First try. No. Yeah. It's not wrong.
Yeah, but you also consciously made the decision to not do anything. Go see him. Because there is an honest to God epidemic and I'm concerned for men. Guys, what's wrong with you? You're not talking to you. Okay. Let me.
Today's ick, it's a two-part story. It's a national epidemic and it's an ick. Go. If you can't get it up... We don't have to. We can just skip it.
Well, maybe they think they can get it up and then the time comes and they're like, eww.
Honestly 1.9.25 (08:13.774)
It's so sad, I gotta tell you. It's such a bummer. And it's a really, it's as awkward as having someone sing with a guitar. that is so bad. Yikes. Big yikes.
You're like where do I look now? And like all feelings of like yeah, you know cuz you've got to like look up to your person like have some like Like you see the best version of them just before you're about to have sex. Mm-hmm, right? And if you're not then like you
But like you are like, it's the moment you're kind of in love with the guy that you're about to hook up with. When they can't get it up, you're like, all of that goes away. You look at them differently and it's sad. Like you're not trying to be, but it's just not a happy moment. The illusion is shattered. I, well, what's getting sadder is that it's not one person anymore. There's like, there's many, there's many. So this is a pattern.
So maybe it's not a personal thing, but whatever you're doing in your life is contributing to this. And you're not the only one. it's like, that's what I'm saying. You have to skew 39 and under. At least, I'm ready to like do some damage. Yeah, I know. And now there's that over the counter pill. Oh, yes. Okay. Every time I walk by to get tamped.
Congrats You're trying
Honestly 1.9.25 (10:22.094)
Let's say something else serious in 2025. I'd have to go on birth control. Because I'm not even that asshole who's like five years from the end zone of like never getting my period again and then I get knocked out. Yeah, and I won't be friends with you. Oh my God, wouldn't you just be embarrassed? Yeah. feel like, um, people are like, oh, how's Chelsea doing?
She like accidentally got pregnant. And they'd be like, accidentally? At this age, how do you accidentally get pregnant? That's the embarrassing part, explaining that away.
But you're and look because there's something that you can buy now over the counter Which is wild it's the O pill which is Exactly just like that
I'm perplexed as to how it's available over the counter. It's a progesterone only pill. Is that why there's no estrogen in it? I don't know what that means. I love that estrogen is illegal. There's too much women already going around.
You'll become too much too much estrogen you're too powerful already we're gonna damper that down I Know but I guess I don't understand how it's available over-the-counter You can you have to talk to pharmacist to get plan B. They don't just hand that out really willy-nilly. You don't
Honestly 1.9.25 (12:14.734)
Um, but isn't it behind the pharmacy counter? No, Oh. It's, you have to get it unlocked because it's in... No, it's not. It's right there. Oh, I guess things have changed since the last time I've used it. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I like to come packing just in case I'm enough to have a wild and crazy night. Right. Uh, otherwise I have to stay. Or you find vasectomies.
Oh my god, that's awesome. But then you run into the original problem of never being able to get it up. So you're like, I got to go to the O-PIL. OK, but let's say for, yeah, like for 2025, let's say you have a whole new roster lined up and you have more plans, like on multiple days of the week or once or twice a week. Is that when you switch to the O-PIL instead of Plan B? Yeah, 100%. Yeah, good call. Oh yeah, I'm not using that.
Honestly 1.9.25 (13:14.286)
But like when do they decide when do they decide that we could get birth control over the counter that's insane my mind is blown Yeah, I feel like this is very European for us. It is that's why my mind is blown because we don't do anything European We do everything in like the 18th century Yeah, my god as a high school kid this would have been very nice
You know, because you have to send your boyfriend to go get condoms. What if I could just get birth control? That would have just really been a one-two punch to really make sure nothing happened. 100%. No. I don't want to risk getting pregnant. No, because then what are you going to do? Go to your mom and be like, can I get birth control? Ew, no. I know. The only reason I got on birth control is because I was on Accutane, and you have to be on birth control. Do you really? Mm-hmm. Because if you have a baby while you're on Accutane, they come up fucked up.
Honestly 1.9.25 (14:15.054)
If you, oh, wait, same. With the medication that I'm currently on, if I got pregnant, they would also be the same kind of fucked up. And you're like, don't want to do that. They never repair just how I do it. It never repairs well. That crevice must be so deep, like that valley, that they can't fix it. Of a cleftalip is what we're talking about. It's just such a drag. I know.
It never, I don't know what happens there. I guess you're missing some tissue. So then they try to fill it in. then like, but it's always a little ragged. Yeah. So that's how I ended up on birth control when I was 16. Did you get off it ever? No, but not it ever since. And now an IUD. That's why I can never not be on birth control. don't know who I am without it. Like that's a fascinating thing.
That's just as bad as me and my medication. Yeah. Interesting. I know. It's so nice they have customers for life. They really do. I mean, they probably don't plan on you being on the pill for 15 years. the hell they don't. Maybe. Are you kidding me? And you know initially when I try to get- 15 years, it's like 30. Right. 35. You get on birth control from the age of 15, right? If you're a respectable-
responsible young adults. If you're hot in high school you're getting on birth control at 15. Get on it. Do yourself a favor. There's no more stigma. Do the right thing. Just get on it. Because you're literally on it until you're like 50. Yeah and the thing was is that I tried to get an IUD after I was on it for five or six years maybe whenever I was in college and they said no you can't have an IUD until you have a child. I'm like well I don't plan on having a child and they're like no you have to have a child first and then we'll do it. Yeah just arbitrary rules.
Uh-huh. What the fuck? Yeah. When was this? Uh, I don't know like, two thousand fifty seven? Eight? Nine? What? Oh, probably like two thousand, no, probably like, 2012. So in 1990. No, that's like 2015. What? Yes. Uh-huh. Where was this? In Wisconsin. But I'm not gonna chalk up all of Wisconsin to being dumb. No, I guess it was maybe just a certain provider.
Honestly 1.9.25 (16:42.506)
Mm-hmm. I know I know So I think that things have changed so much I told you I told you I really want an IUD now give me an abortion and stick an IUD in there
Honestly 1.9.25 (17:12.106)
Keep it.
Honestly 1.9.25 (17:20.878)
But he wasn't fucked up. wasn't. Okay. So Jimmy Carter was the president when I was born. Today, January 9th, we are laying him to rest because he died back in December. RIP. He was 100 years old. Whatever. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for doing stuff. He was the president. Guess what? What? He felt me up. Ooh.
I bet you they didn't include that in his eulogy. No, they didn't. I don't think they knew. What was the circumstance? Well, Jimmy Carter and his wife, I forgot her name, were here. Okay, so Jimmy Carter was, he and his wife were here back in 2008 for the National Democratic Convention. That is where they announced Barack Obama was going to start, was going to run for president, like Hillary was here. Well, Jimmy Carter was at this, a friend of mine's restaurant.
and they invited me to have a photo op with them. And it was me and my boyfriend at the time. And it was at. Where's OK, Little Man. Downtown, what was the restaurant that used to be around the corner?
like patio it was like it was like the hot Mexican place low was or low I don't remember anyway okay so we're down there and they're like come on in and because there's four people and it was so the picture went boy girl boy girl as it does right go to old Jimmy Carter reaches around does a little like side boob action creepy ass hand kept coming forward
Honestly 1.9.25 (19:58.926)
I actually only know about Jimmy Carter is that he's a hundred years old and he died and he ripped and he won a Nobel Peace Prize. I heard he was the worst president ever. Yeah. Huh. That was, that was, yeah. Isn't that fun? That's fun. And it's like, my God, he's such a big deal for, and he's the worst president ever.
So I don't know. History can only tell. Well, he was the worst president up until recently. So they already got that nickname a while back. We're talking like.
I knew it growing up or like maybe college stuff. knew that this was his You know that he won that prize like in eighth grade. I wasn't biggest flirt interesting and his Win his award was like worst president ever. Huh? Yeah, just get stuck with labeled with that I don't think they mean it if they Like go back and redo it. I'm sure he wouldn't win that award anymore. I don't know. I think I think once you get a nickname you get a nickname
Although is that nature versus nurture? I literally cannot believe that you were named biggest flirt Because based on how I knew you back when we met like you could cannot flirt at all
Honestly 1.9.25 (21:28.863)
I think now you can now it's more just like I fucking aggressive I fucking and trolling your hair Yeah, I don't know I guess I just don't see that for you being biggest flirt in eighth grade
I have felt like the scarlet letter A on my chest my entire life. Speaking of chest. That would have been a great award to have. I got voted most laid back. I would have given him my left tip for that. I would have given him both. have taken them. Most laid back is so cool.
Cuz I'm like so cool Yeah, yeah, you should try harder be more laid-back I don't know. I feel like that's being popular
So I just, I found myself wondering, I'm like, well, maybe I was destined to always be, was I always like this? Was I a flirt when I came out of the womb? I don't know. Or is it just my personality? I think it's just personality. If you feel special, that's your problem. If you misconstrue my niceness for wanting to hook up with you, so many people have. Right. What do you mean?
Honestly 1.9.25 (23:13.281)
Because like okay your normal level of nice is not to be construed with flirting at all just normal everyday Ho hum here. We are but when you're being extra nice to someone and if it's a guy you're like, my god Oh my god, you're like touching them and like trailing your hair and just like this is amazing You're amazing like it's so funny. Oh my god
Of they think you're flirting with them. Yeah, I would take it the wrong way too.
Honestly 1.9.25 (24:05.318)
I wish we had footage from that day. I was mortified. 2008, was still very much in my shell. I'm still a little girl.
Honestly 1.9.25 (24:16.206)
Honestly 1.9.25 (24:22.702)
It's a little girl.
Honestly 1.9.25 (24:34.254)
Okay, let's talk about the Golden Globes and Nikki Glaser I Didn't personally watch the Golden Globes because I don't really care about award shows But of all the clips that I saw of Nikki Glaser, she crushed it and she looks amazing And she had so many killer jokes She only had maybe like one that wasn't laughed at and the one that people didn't like was that
Let's see, the Challenger movie was more sexually charged than Diddy's credit card. And she's like, and the after party won't be as good this year. She's like, you know what? There's no baby oil to go around. An olive oil party with Stanley Tucci doesn't have the same ring to it. And people were like, close to rape. God.
They didn't care. If Hollywood cared about rape and like acting, they would remove all of their couches. I know you would have standing desks. You would have glass doors and windows and yeah, you would like have meetings and cafeterias. big. So don't pretend like you care. It's just like.
Yeah, no, I was thinking about if I could have, I want to be a writer for Nikki. I like that. I like that for us. We're doing it together. Yes, we are. And I just want, I'm working on something that's like, I've been sitting in my uncle's lap for my whole life. Like, that's the big deal. I feel like I've been sitting in an uncle's lap my whole life. I've been sitting in one of my uncle's laps or something like that. You know I mean?
We'll riff off of that. Yeah, because I did feel like she would say something like that. She's right. Very similar. Yeah. It doesn't make sense how to contact, but yeah, I know. want to be more like her. I know. I feel like Nikki Glaser, Hannah Berner, you.
Honestly 1.9.25 (26:40.238)
So love today. Good. I feel like that's the trajectory. I wasn't so heavily medicated. You're welcome. Also, the Golden Globes, we get a lot of Kieran Culkin. God, I love him. I love him so much. I was just thinking I went for a walk today, but he's like you because I want to do that. Yep.
walk with the doughnut. It's fine. I thinking about it. I Karen Culkin is my spirit animal. I see that for you. I love that man. I see that for you because he really just says whatever comes to mind. And what clip did you send me? I mean, you sent me a lot, but the last one I saw
was him calling out someone for being a Sagittarius. And he was like, don't even believe in astrology. He's like, well, you just called me a Sagittarius. And Kieran's like, yeah, because it's a funny word. That's why. Libra's not funny. No. OK, I don't know if I cite you this one. It was probably in the very beginning. So what's the name of their movie?
Okay, well, Lindsay, our producer will get right back to us with that knowledge. Kieran Culkin, I always want to say Kieran McCulkin, but it's Kieran... Kieran Culkin. Culkin and Jesse Eisenberg. We're in a movie together. Jesse stars and directs the movie. So... It is called... A Real Pain.
I don't know what it's about. I haven't seen it, but I'm going to. But they're doing all the media tours now. When they, you know, they sit and like, you know, they're interviewed and they're asked stupid questions. I love it. This is, this is fun. I always liked the scene in the movie when they're like promoting and they have it.
Honestly 1.9.25 (28:38.638)
Anyway, I don't know how came up but the question was like Kieran's like, yeah turns out Jesse over here hired me without seeing me act in anything. wow And Jesse's like, yeah I don't like to watch things and I don't like to participate in like the mass media and he's like I just like the essence of you
I would love to get hired just based on the essence of me. That's what I said. That was the take away. It's like, this is my guy. believe in my heart. I should just be hired based on essence. Yes. Because I don't, yeah, I'm an essence kind of gal. can do it. You're like, what are your skills? I bring essence to the table. You're looking at it. I love that. I love it too. Oh my God, I got to find you that.
He was hired on his essence. And that sounds like such a boss babe, like manifestation, like rose color, gold trim kind of thing to say. I was hired based on my essence, but the fact that a man said it to another man, I'm like, fuck yeah. It's a real thing then. Do you know what mean? If someone can, if they're saying that, they're probably actually using that word in Hollywood.
I also just had a funny thought that Jesse Eisenberg is a kooky man. I bet I could identify with him too. Yes, you could. So he would hire off of Essence because he's just going off of vibes and good feels. And those two did not, were not the same person. Like they didn't get along. Jesse was surprised that they didn't have more in common and that, it sounds like Jesse was really challenged a number of times because his, I think maybe on the spectrum.
Yeah. like, here in would show up late and like, you have your lines? He's like, yeah, don't worry about it. I'm like, I want to be this guy again. I want to win the award for most laid back. That's why I like hearing he has very laid back. He's just like, yeah, I got my lines memorized. Whatever. It's all good. I can make it up. It's better than what you wrote. Uh huh. He has BBE and I was just like.
Honestly 1.9.25 (30:54.168)
How did he turn out so well and McCully Culkin
But I am so proud that Macaulay is coming back, but they can be two different people. You know, like this one time when I was coming back from this hookup and then they started talking about my ex and it was like, how could it just be about me? Do you know I mean? I know. I just wish, like I have an issue with my siblings. So it's kind of like, if I have a success that we all have to bring his name into it.
I guess I'm the only one bringing his name into it. Otherwise, he's not really. I hope not. Mentioned at all. Yeah. No, McCauley didn't thrive. Kind of like River Phoenix and Joaquin Phoenix. River didn't succeed. Joaquin did. But in the very beginning of the relate, I mean, when they were younger, they always said River was more talented. well, I feel like McCauley worked when he was younger. Now he's kicking it. And now it's Kieran's time to shine. It's been Kieran's time to shine for all.
He's been in a lot of more things than I realize. Yeah, I've been watching him. Well, you know, was there for the deception of McCully. Yes. I like vividly remember those things. So and I really remember being like, McCully's father again. There he is again. Wow. And there he is again. And you're like, he actually seems like he's like the Eli. Yep. To the Peyton.
Yeah, to the mannings. Like, he's so steady, but winning them. Yes, he is. Because the last thing I saw McCully Culkin in is that weird-ass Kim Kardashian Santa baby video. Oh, just this last? Yeah. I actually didn't see that. Oh my god, it's disturbing. I'm going to opt out. Do not watch it. know people are saying not great things about it. I just don't understand why she made it, and I don't understand the concept behind it. It's like she's in a crack house crawling around on the floor.
Honestly 1.9.25 (33:09.998)
And then is at the end of the video just sitting in a chair in a Santa suit Mm-hmm No, but it It was just the whole thing was like dirty and I felt dirtier after watching it I don't know
Maybe, I don't know, a new season of the Kardashians is coming out soon. she's not gonna talk about why she made that video. No. why did you cast Macaulay Culkin? because he's Christmas. I guess. He represents Christmas. I don't have that connection. I actually didn't even think Home Alone was a Christmas movie.
You know what, you said some really nice things today. I'm gonna let you come back. Thanks. I'm not gonna hold that against you. And this is, speaking of another, Kardashian slash Jenner, Kylie. Kylie and Timothee Chalamet. Okay, I saw a picture. She's so proud to be with him. She's so proud to be with him. She looks stunning. She looks, oh my God, she looks so good. looks happy. I love that for her. And she looked more natural, less makeup. You could just reduce that BBL, just Just a smidge.
huh. I'll keep like the train portion in the back. would narrow the hips. Mm hmm. But to see a photo of her and Timothy Chalamet kissing, yikes. Not great at all. It's like kissing a child. That's bad. That's what it looks like because he has a very childlike face. And he's so petite. I know. He's so little. destroy you. I do wonder if I could get past that, would I like hooking up with him?
No, I don't see how you could like hooking up with someone who's so tiny I don't know. I can't do it. I mean, I did it that one time and he wasn't even that tiny, but I was just like, this is compromising all of my values. This is bringing down the hotness scale of everyone that I've hooked up with. So we're going to give you the boot. God, it's not worth it because you know how many are really well
Honestly 1.9.25 (35:28.334)
Probably not many. He must be though if Kylie's still with him. What's going on there? Well, let me tell you what else I've been watching the Jerry Springer documentary Well, these things didn't come to mind until I see them as a documentary on Netflix
Honestly 1.9.25 (35:56.174)
Yeah, this happened. But they make a documentary and put it on Netflix. it's like, oh my god. All these people coming out of the woodwork. I this was crazy. guess, OK, my. So what happened? The essence of Jerry Springer in my mind is he was on After School, I think, maybe. I'm not really sure. Jerry Springer Show. I don't really think I ever watched an episode. Yeah, no, that doesn't seem like you.
You were too young. Yeah. You were too young to watch it. All I came out when I was like, what year did it come out? Um, yeah, something like that. But it was on until like 2015 or something. I just don't feel like you were watching it. No, but I knew the premise of the show was that guests came on and fights broke out and it was crazy. But while I'm watching the Jerry Springer documentary, first they bring like the first
big deal story that they talk about is when there's a lady that comes on to confront her ex husband and his mistress. And she's like, I slept with my ex husband last night. And the mistress is like, No, you did not. they go into like this big fight. But the original wife was like, I want none of this. I'm just gonna leave the show. So it turns out after the show, ex husband mistress, like murder the ex wife.
Sorry, I just want to look at the year. It says 91. 91. Oh, to 2018.
Honestly 1.9.25 (37:31.182)
Okay, so this is the first thing that actually let me start over now I'm watching this documentary about the Jerry Springer show. This is my reaction. what? my god. Yuck. Like my god That's wild
I mean, the thing that was so fucked up was the man who brought his horse that he married onto the show. Everything was fake. Everything was fake. But the fact that they were allowing. Yes. Did he really say I fuck her? Yeah, he did. Yeah, exactly. I'm like, like, Lindsay's going to have a hating thing.
That horse is jamming that tongue all over him It was a mini horse and then I was like, my god, I feel so bad for the mini horse I don't know but that was appalling that episode only aired in New York area and then it was banned from the rest of the country Yeah after everyone was like what the fuck BC ality crosses the line incest fine
KKK, sure, why not? All the time, but it does. I guess I was just astonished at the things that were on the Jerry Springer show, but it's all very produced. You know, like that the producers backstage, let's say me and you were going on for some reason, they're backstage, hyping you up and be like, isn't she such a fucking bitch?
Aren't you angry at her? Isn't she like terrible? Like they get you all riled up. So then when you're on stage, they're like, this is what you're going to say. So I guess it's reality TV before we even had reality TV. Oh, before you had reality TV. Before I knew what reality TV was. They just didn't debut it. They didn't label it as reality TV. Yeah. So that's. think that it was the Godfather. Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right.
Honestly 1.9.25 (39:51.374)
So yeah, that's wild. I literally can't believe it. I just don't know what to say about this. don't know if this is the accurate reaction, I just am like, really? Yeah, no, it was trash. It was like, and it was taboo. you know, I don't know, the circles that I, you know, you would watch it you're like, this is bananas. It was stressful too, because they were always fighting. Right.
It is cringe. It's so cringe. Yeah, I mean it's good to watch occasionally. No, I don't like that. Of course you don't like it. Cops was another one. Ugh. Right. That's right, exactly. 100%. That's what it was like back then. Huh. Oh. No. Everything was like sad, gray, there was a death. It was a little aggressive. Yeah, why was everyone so angry? Because we were angry. Look at me, I'm angry.
We were still getting beat in our childhood. And we had no outlet. I don't know what kind of outlet you kids have today, but I felt like we didn't have the same. We had a lot more freedom and things that we didn't, I don't know, but we were an angry bunch. were still kind of getting, it was like.
woke parenting didn't happen yet. well, I still feel like there's enough anger to go around if Jerry Springer show wanted to reboot with a new host.
Honestly 1.9.25 (41:26.346)
I know Please don't make that show anybody because I don't think we need that Well, someone wants to make money Let me just tell you one other thing that I've been watching and you've been watching okay Michaela Nagira on tik-tok. Okay
I don't want to interrupt you, but let's start. Okay, I just want to talk about what she's talking about on TikTok. And who is she? So, Makayla is a TikTok influencer. She is known for her makeup. She does a lot of looks and... Okay, so she's got this strong Boston accent and I fell in love with her.
Like a lot of people did back in 2020 when TikTok was a savior and she was this chubby girl who did makeup in front of the camera and she crushed it. So it always started off just regular and then she put it on and she was like a beautiful glamor. Over the years, she's so endearing, right? And she tells him with this sharp accent because like her cute little face and the voice that comes out of it, it's just like, that's a little jarring. But over the years,
Other people have other people and by that I mean 16 million people follow her. Right? She's on something. She's a lot of weight. She's gotten married. I mean, like she, we have witnessed her glow up the entire last, is it five years now? I think so. It's kind of like five years. So a lot of us in the world are invested in her and her well-being, right? And she's known for being just so transparent.
Honestly 1.9.25 (43:20.93)
However, at this moment, she is now coming on camera and just saying, my God, it's been such a hard year. I'm crying right now. I've been crying all day. Life is so tough. It might look like everything is great on the outside. I'm very successful, but my personal life is just in shatters and in ruins and I can't talk about it.
I can't tell you what's going on, but it's been so hard, been a very bad year, but I'm not gonna tell you. And this has been going on for weeks.
driving me fucking crazy. I'm really not down with this. And here's what I gotta say. It is clickbait. And I feel like it's a
It's the lowest common denominator to get attention. Like you're spreading negativity or perpetuating a very low vibration with 16 million people. Please stop doing what you're doing. And I mean this in all sincerity because your people want to support you, but you're leaving us in the lurch and you either need to seek help or seek solace in the people that love you the most or
Just stop talking about it. Right. If you were so transparent about everything before, why stop now? Or just don't bring it up. I'd rather just you not tell us anything and then one day be like, bam.
Honestly 1.9.25 (44:49.41)
This is what's happening.
And again, because she's got 16 million followers, now her followers, who have a lot of followers, are repeating the same negativity. So now you've got disciples who are spreading your negative message, and it's like, stop. You're using your platform for bad right now. Historically, you've always used your platform for good.
Please change your tune. I also feel like she's afraid to get hate based on whatever she's going through. But by doing this negative narrative all the time, she's perpetuating more hate coming at her because we're like, just get on with it. OK? So she's bringing more upon herself. 100%. Mm-hmm. now is not a time for us to be.
I we know everything He is though like literally broken
Honestly 1.9.25 (46:59.022)
Somebody I was walking today my new ski jacket soon as I'm not really buying anything right but the thing I did buy that's really made an impact in my life is the ski jacket that I was gifted fucking dope we've been talking about it now for a minute so I'm wearing it as I'm back from Starbucks and I hear nice jacket ooh this guy in a Subaru took the time to roll his window down and like from the stop sign across the street nice jacket
He's like, it just looks really sharp. It really pops. To which I raised my Starbucks coffee and was like, cheers. What the fuck am I supposed to say? Awesome. Like, I know. No, I know. I'm like, thank you. No, I mean, you can't brush it off a fan. But you're just like, no, I get it. And thank you. Cheers. Sorry. I had to get that out. But I think it's OK. What else?
Honestly 1.9.25 (48:24.462)
What does it take to- please let me tell you the story! Go! Yesterday, I had coffee with a friend. She's a new friend. She's an unexpected friend, and I, you know, I get my sights a little too high, like I get- Headman Harry's back, by the way. I know.
And this now it's almost exactly the same as it was this summer. And now that person is expecting for it to be like last summer. Cause you came on strong as a friend. Too fucking strong. Not going to walk it back. That's a lot of work. I did that. did that. It's my fault. Okay. So I have coffee yesterday with a new unsuspecting, but I think all the things are there.
It's gonna be dicey, it's a little shit where you eat, but that's fine. You know what mean? So, fingers crossed. We go to a coffee yesterday and we are just so much alike. It's so refreshing to see somebody else just as quirky as I am. So many things in common. Alright, while we're having a great conversation, walks... It's been very cold out lately. A homeless gentleman has a three-foot carved cat.
in shrink wrap. So it hasn't been used.
He's like, Hey, like totally low key, super not like aggressive. Be like, no, no, no, this is an uppity coffee shop. And she gives me a look like, you know, that looked like I should help. know. And I was like, I was like, that was new. Like he straight took that from like, you know, somebody's alley trash. But in a good way. Right. So she slides over 20 and she's like, do you want it? And we're like, in my mind, I'm like, I'm supposed to say yes right now.
Honestly 1.9.25 (50:18.272)
So the thing is she didn't want to be the person that actually like Did the thing but she knew in her heart that was the right thing to do and I'm like fuck yeah, that's awesome So what do I have to do? I we're seated in the front by the door this guy's almost all the way out to the back door, which is It's like it's across a big coffee shop
So now I'm high-stepping it to catch up with this guy. like, am I going to miss this? So I get there in time. He's actually popping the door open, like behind him, behind to open the door for me.
And then the second, I'm like, Hey, are you still selling that cat? He's like, yeah, you want it? I'm totally surprised. I'm like, I was like, will you take 24? I was like, I was like, awesome. And I was super pumped, right? I know for me, I felt like I've like got something. I got a three foot fall white cat. Now I have it in my arms, like leaning it up against me and I got to walk through the whole fucking coffee shop.
everybody knows what just happened. They were all like a silent participant, right? They were extras in this little like story that's happening. It was kind of a meet-cute. I think that is such a weird thing to say. So now I am carrying this trophy back. Like it's a fucking trophy in my arms with the biggest fucking smile on my face like you've ever seen. I was so excited. I was so pumped and everyone was like, she just
Everyone felt so ashamed of themselves. They're like shit. I should have done that
Honestly 1.9.25 (52:20.206)
You're like, I fucking love this cat. So I gotta show it to I know, I have to see it. Oh my god. We'll post it to you guys and see it. It's hilarious. It's a good story. It is. I think that's a good way to end on a positive note and doing good in the world. Mm-hmm. Yay. All right, so make sure you like, subscribe, follow at Honestly Smartless, or every year podcast, Apple, Spotify.
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